1997 Chevy GMC Truck Brake Controller Installation

"Standard" Wire Colors from Chevy Trucks
When using a wiring harness supplied by your vehicle’s Manufacturer (OE Harness), DO NOT MATCH COLORS. Please follow wiring chart below

Chevy Wiring
Brake Controller Wiring
Red Black +12 Volts
Light Blue Red Stop Light
Black White Ground
Dark Blue Blue Trailer Brakes
Brown NA

Remember, the above colors are just a GUIDE. your colors may be different, read the instructions!

We found the brake light switch tap on the panel, and used a standard 1/4" spade connector to connect it (red wire is from brake controller)

Get a test light and test all the un-used pins on this panel, looking for the one that lights up when you press the brake pedal. If you can not find any that light, you will forced to find the brake light switch wire under the dash. The brake light switch is very hard to reach, but with a probe tester, look for a wire under the dash that lights with the brake lights. I " THINK " (from memory), you are looking for a small gauge white wire. Tap into the wire for the brake light feed (red wire on most controllers)

We used this stud (powered by the 30 amp green fuse) to power the brake controller, and supply power to the 12 Volt power terminal on the trailer plug. This truck did not have wire ran to the back, so we used our 2 conductor brake wire and ran it ourself. Drilled a small 3/8" hole in a rubber plug in the fire wall to run the wire to the brake controller under the dash.